Data security requires ongoing vigilantes technologies tactics and
threats change constantly it’s critical to make sure your company keeps pace the
start with security video series and resources at business dot FTC dot gov
offer tips for keeping your business’s security currants and building processes
to address new vulnerabilities quickly one guideline to remember keep your
third party software updated and patched when a retail company failed to updated
anti-virus software and FTC case was only one of the consequences
a hacker exploited the resulting vulnerabilities to steal the personal
information for over 400,000 customers and a charge millions of dollars to
their credit and debit cards to reduce the risk of a breach set policies for
updating and patching software and follow them it’s also important to have
a sound process for receiving and reviewing security warnings act quickly
to address the credible ones the FTC brought a case against a major
smartphone manufacturer for not having a process to collect and address reports
about security vulnerabilities the company’s delay in responding to
warnings left millions of devices open to malicious applications that could
text make recordings and access sensitive data without the smartphone
owners consent in another FTC case a mobile application business relies on
its general customer service system to respond to warnings about security risks
when a security researcher emailed the company about a vulnerability the system
incorrectly flagged report as a password reset request a mark that has resolved
make sure important warnings get to the people in your company who need to know
about them consider setting up a well-publicized dedicated channel like
an email address for receiving reports and flagging them for your security
staff for more useful tips about keeping your security current addressing
vulnerabilities as their eyes and building a culture of data security in
your business visit FTC died I’ll start with security
Learn more about this subject on the FTC’s website:
The post Keep Your Security Current appeared first on Secure Hunter Anti-Malware.
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